A century wiser. ever the same.

This year, Goizueta celebrates 100 years of educating the world’s next business leaders—by staying true to the principles that paved the way.

Pick up a copy of this publication from 1918 and you’ll find that not much has changed.


Yes, a $40 share of Coca-Cola purchased back then would now be worth $9.8 million, but the same core tenets that Goizueta was founded on still ring true today.


  • Provide students with an intimate, collaborative learning environment.
  • Create a curriculum combining essential business knowledge with hands-on, action-based opportunities.
  • Partner with the Atlanta business community to impact far beyond the school’s borders.

This fundamental but progressive academic approach continues to drive Goizueta’s thinking. Through client-focused projects, individualized leader­ship training, and immersive global expo­sure, Goizueta creates a more in-depth, personal experience than its top-ranked peers. It’s no wonder Goizueta graduates are able to go beyond both professionally and personally.


Goizueta alums have gone on to become leaders of all kinds, all over the world. They empower women coffee farmers in Nicaragua and earn power positions within Fortune 500s. They use artifi­cial intelligence to make advancements in mental health. A Goizueta graduate even went on to become Prime Minister of Georgia—not the Peach State, but the Republic. All this is evidence of the school’s top 10 ranking for MBA employment.


For over a century, the more things change, the more successes come Goizueta’s way—as the school celebrates its past, it enriches the future.